Month: <span>March 2007</span>

Month: March 2007

Recover MySQL root password

You can recover MySQL database server password with following five easy steps. Step # 1: Stop the MySQL server process. Step # 2: Start the MySQL (mysqld) server/daemon process with the –skip-grant-tables option so that it will not prompt for password Step # 3: Connect to mysql server as the …


MySQL change root password

Setting up mysql password is one of the essential tasks. Root user is MySQL admin account. Remember Linux/UNIX login root account for your operating system and MySQL root are different. They are separate and have nothing to do with each other (indeed some admin removes root account and setup admin …


SVN Repository Transfer

I recently had to move my main Subversion repository to a new server, so I thought I would pass along this quick how-to. To move a Subversion repository from one system to another you only have to enter a couple of easy subversion commands. To start, go to the source …


My new Snowflake Blog is now live. I will not be updating this blog anymore but will continue with new contents in the Snowflake world!