Month: <span>December 2016</span>

Month: December 2016

Hive unable to read Snappy files generated by Hive and Flume together

This article explains the workarounds to avoid the Hive query failure when processing snappy files generated by Hive and Flume under the same directory. The following are the steps to re-produce the issue: A Hive table (from_hive) with its data injected from Flume Create another table with same column structure (from_flume) Insert data …


Sqoop job failed with “Malformed option in options file” error

Recently I discovered a bug in Sqoop that it wrongly detects a malformed query in options file, but in fact the query is totally correct. Example as below sqoop command: and in the /path/to/options-file.txt, it contains the following content: Sqoop will fail with the following error: This is caused by …


My new Snowflake Blog is now live. I will not be updating this blog anymore but will continue with new contents in the Snowflake world!