Month: <span>March 2017</span>

Month: March 2017

How to enable HiveServer2 audit log through Cloudera Manager

This article explains the steps required to enable audit log for HiveServer2, so that all queries run through HiveServer2 will be audited into a central log file. Please follow the steps below: Go to Cloudera Manager home page > Hive > Configuration Tick “Enable Audit Collection” Ensure “Audit Log Directory” …


Sqoop Teradata import truncates timestamp microseconds information

Last week, while I was working on Sqoop with Teradata, I noticed one bug that the microseconds part of a Timestamp field got truncated after importing into HDFS. The following is the steps to re-produce the issue: 1. Create a table in Teradata: 2. And sqoop import command: 3. data …


Beeline Failed To Start With OOM Error When Calling getConsoleReader Method

If you get the following error when trying to start up beeline from command line: Based on the stacktrace, we can see that Beeline was at startup phase and was trying to initialize through getConsoleReader method, which will read data from beeline’s history file: By default, the history file is …


My new Snowflake Blog is now live. I will not be updating this blog anymore but will continue with new contents in the Snowflake world!