Month: <span>November 2017</span>

Month: November 2017

Hive LPAD function hangs HS2 and its subsequent queries

Recently I have noticed an issue in Hive that running below query will hang HiveServer2 indefinitely until it got cancelled. And because HiveServer2’s global compilation lock, it prevents any further queries from submitted into Hive and all queries appear to be queued. After researching, I concluded that it was caused …


Redirect Docker/Kubernete log out of /var/log/message for Cloudera Data Science Workbench

After you installed Cloudera Data Science Workbench (CDSW) in a cluster, by default, the log messages for Docker and Kubernete all go into /var/log/messages. This is OK in most cases, but some user might not want the logs to be shared with other processes, so separating those logs outside of …


HiveMetaStore Failed to Start in Cloudera Manager: cmf.service.config.ConfigGenException: Unable to generate config file creds.localjceks

Recently I was dealing with an issues that HiveMetaStore failed to start in a Cloudera Manager managed environment. It failed with below errors: This problem is very common if you have the following misconfiguration in your cluster: 1. Wrong version of Java being used. For a list of supported version …


My new Snowflake Blog is now live. I will not be updating this blog anymore but will continue with new contents in the Snowflake world!