Day: <span>February 3, 2016</span>

Day: February 3, 2016

Impala query memory estimates are wrong for a SELECT query with LIMIT clause

This article explains the workarounds to by pass the Impala memory estimation issue when doing a simple “SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 10” query. A request memory estimate error is being thrown if the Impala query has ‘LIMIT’ clause. The same query is working properly if the “LIMIT” clause is …


Sqoop Hive Import Failed After Upgrading to CDH5.4.x or CDH5.5.x

This article explains the root cause of Sqoop Hive Import failure after upgrading to CDH5.4.x or CDh5.5.x and the solution to fix the issue. After upgrading to CDH5.5.x from CDh5.3.x, Sqoop Hive Import got the following error: After upgrading to CDH5.4.x from CDh5.3.x, Sqoop Hive Import got the following error: …


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